Chair Massage at Work: What to Expect
You’ve had a busy day. Your neck is aching, your shoulders are hunched, and you’re just generally tense. You’re in luck, though! Today, your office is bringing in massage therapists and you’re the lucky recipient!
If this is your first time receiving a massage in the office, you may have a few questions about how it all works.
- Office chair massage events are a little different from a typical spa massage.
- In this article, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about what to expect from massage at work.
- Things to Know Before Your Office Massage Event
We’ve compiled the answers to our most asked questions to put your mind at ease before your massage day arrives.
When should I show up to my office chair massage?
Office massage schedules are typically run one of two ways; scheduled and unscheduled.
For some events—like a grand opening celebration or a company-wide health fair— massage works better on a first come, first served basis. Under those circumstances, you’ll probably want to go get your massage as soon as possible. Lines for chair massages can quickly become very long! You won’t want to miss your chance!
If you’ve had the luxury of scheduling a spot before your massage, you’ll want to show up a few minutes early. If you show up late the schedule won’t be adjusted—it’ll just cut into your massage time.
What should I wear to my corporate chair massage?
The quick answer to this question is you can wear basically anything you’d normally wear to work, but you may want to keep a few things in mind.
You will be fully clothed for your massage, so you may want to avoid wearing anything excessively bulky. Your therapist may ask you to remove a jacket or thick sweater, if appropriate.
Often, women worry about whether or not they can receive a chair massage while wearing a skirt. It totally possible! With just a little more caution than sitting on a massage chair would normally require, you can sit down and receive a massage. Your massage therapist will show you the easiest and best way to sit on the chair.
Is there any reason I shouldn’t receive a chair massage?
Are you pregnant or did you have a recent surgery? There could be a variety of reasons why you’re wondering whether or not it would be safe to receive a chair massage.
Whatever the reason, just be sure to ask your massage therapist about it and disclose any medical conditions you may have. Your massage therapist will know whether or not you should receive a massage.
Does chair massage have a size limit?
Chair massages are constructed with client safety and security in mind. It’s very rare that a massage chair won’t be able to support a client’s weight, or would malfunction in any way if it’s being used properly.
Will I need to take off my shoes?
Nope! Unless you specifically request it, your massage therapist won’t touch your feet at all during a chair massage.
Things to Know During a Chair Massage
Do you have questions about what your actual massage will be like? We’ve got you covered.
Are lotions or oils used in office chair massage?
Not usually. In a chair massage, clients are fully clothed and the massages are given over the clothes with no oils or lotions. If your massage therapist does offer oil or lotion, it would only be for your hands or neck and they will ask before they use it.
How long will my massage at work be?
This will depend on what your office has planned. Chair massage generally lasts from 5 to 30 minutes. Check with whoever is coordinating massages in your office.
What areas will be addressed during my office massage?
Typically, your massage therapist will focus on your neck, shoulders, back, arms, and hands. If you have an area that you’d like worked a little more, let your therapist know! Some common areas of pain that can be treated with chair massage include:
- Shoulder pain
- Neck Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but if you’re struggling with any of those areas be sure to let your massage therapist know. They’ll be able to give you a little more attention in those areas.
Can I be too ticklish for massage?
It is incredibly rare for someone to be too ticklish for massage.
Massage therapists are specially trained to avoid any techniques that would cause a client to feel tickled. If anything, massage is more often compared to feeling more like a hard workout than being a ticklish experience.
What if I want my legs or feet worked?
While foot and leg massage is not typically addressed during chair massage, you can certainly ask your therapist to work those areas. They may have you sit a different way on the massage chair to make it easier for them.
What to Expect After Your Chair Massage
The massage experience isn’t over when the massage is over! Here’s what you can expect after your chair massage ends.
Do I need to tip my massage therapist?
Nope! With corporate chair massage, tipping is not expected. It’s unusual for clients to offer a tip for a workplace massage service, unlike in a spa setting where tipping is to be expected. And don’t worry — your massage therapist knows this too.
What health benefits can I expect from massage?
We could go on and on about all of the benefits of massage, but for the sake of brevity we’ll just give you a short summary.
- Lowers anxiety
- Increases circulation
- Boosts immune system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Relieves muscle pains and headaches
- Decreases stress
- Improves sleep quality
- Generates more flexibility
You will see benefits from a one-time massage, but you’ll see even greater benefits from regular monthly or even weekly massage.
Want to book an office massage event?